Biomass Briquetting Machine
Compelte Project of Charcoal/Biomass Briquette
With consumption on mineral resources mounting up, more people start to get interested in biomass resourses which is known as renewable energy. At present, there is several kinds of renewable energy technologies for utilizing agricultural residues or wood waste by converting them into biofuel.
Biomass Briquette Plant is to make biomass raw material into club-shaped briquette such as ricehusk bars, sawdust bars or charcoal bars. This is the simplest way to use renewable energy by burning as biofuel.
Establishing a biomass briquetting system is not a big invest for personal use. A small set of biomass briquette plant need a crusher, a dryer and a set of biomass briquette press.
For market sales, biomass briquette is also a good product for home used stove, barbecue resturant and boiler in factory. Barbecue briquette need high quality material which have no much smoke and poisonous emissions. For boiler in factory, almost all kinds of biomass material can be used.
Utilization of agricultural residues or wood wastes is often difficult due to their uneven and troublesome characteristics. The process of compaction of residues into biomass briquette which have higher density than the original raw material is known as densification or biomass briquetting.
A great deal of interest has beed aroused all over the world by densification which is a technique for upgrading of residues as energy sources. Biomass Briquetting Technology is a process converting residues into a densified form. It has the following advantages:
- Increase the net calorific value per unit volume after biomass briquetting
- Easy to transport and store as densified product
- Better solution to the problem of residue disposal
- Uniform in size and quality as a kind of biofuel briquette
- Reduce excess deforestation by providing a substitute for fuel wood
Flowchart of the Charcoal / Biomass Briquetting Technology:
Raw material -- Crusher -- Drier -- Biomass/Charcoal Briquetting Machine -- Carbon Bar Durnace -- Finished Product

Laboratory Test Report of Paddy Husk & Saw Dust Charcoal
No | Name Of Test | Paddy Husk Charcoal | Saw Dust Charcoal |
01 | Moisture Content (%wt) | <=5 | <=7 |
02 | Ash Content (%wt) | 1<=0 | <=5 |
03 | Fixed Carbon (%wt) | >=65 | <=80 |
04 | Calorific Value Kcal/kg | >=7500 | <=8000 |
05 | Volatile matter (%) | >=6 | <=8.5 |
06 | Smell | Acceptable Smell in Burning Condition | Acceptable Wood Smell |
07 | Smoke | Burning Without Smoke | Burning With slight Smoke |
08 | Hard ness | Normal (Easy burning) | Normal (Easy broken & burning) |

Biomass Briquette Press
There are several methods available for densifying biomass. Screw press briquetting is a popular densification method. This process can produce denser and stronger biomass briquettes compared with piston presses. After feeding into the hopper, the raw material is conveyed and compressed by a screw worm in biomass briquetting.

ZBJI Biomass Briquette Press (With Motor 11KW)
This model of biomass briquette making machine equip with gear reducer for energy saving.The model ZBJI and ZBJII can produce the same products for diameter 30,40, 50mm

ZBJII Biomass Briquette Press (With Motor 15KW)
This model of biomass briquette making machine is the old type without gear reducer, which need 15KW motor bigger power than ZBJI. But it have bigger capacity than ZBJI

ZBJIII Biomass Briquette Press (With Motor 18.5KW)
This model of biomass briquette making machine is special big bigger diameter biomass briquettes such as 60,70,80,90,100mm
Display of Other Biomass Briquetting Equipments

FSJI Crusher
This model of crusher is suitable for crushing raw wood with size less than 200mm(diameter). After milled, the output size can reach diameter 3-5mm , which is suitable for further briquetting.

FSJII Hammermill
This model of Hammer Mill is suitable for milling raw material like tree branch, cotton stalk, corn stalk, wheat straw etc) with size less than 50mm(diameter). After milled, the output size can reach diameter 3-5mm , which is suitable for further briquetting.

FSJII Hammer mill
This model of Hammer Mill is suitable for milling raw material like tree branch, cotton stalk, corn stalk, wheat straw etc) with size less than 50mm(diameter). After milled, the output size can reach diameter 3-5mm , which is suitable for further briquetting.

HGJ Series Single Stove Dryer
The Moisture reducing rate of the dryer HGJ series is 8-12%. This dryer is equipped with one hot air boiler, it is suitable for drying raw material with moisture content less than 20-25%.If the moisture content of the raw material is higher than that, it will need several times of drying to achieve the requested moisture content for briquetting.

NHGJ Series Twin Stove Dryer
Twin boiler dryer is a newly developed dryer with two hot air boilers, it is suitable for drying raw material with moisture content of 20% -45%, it can reduce moisture from 20%-45% to 8-12% only one passage or one time.
Carbonization Kiln
Carbonization kiln is an stove used to change biomass briqutte into charcoal briquette. We can provide the technology for establishing a charcoal kiln. The quality and efficiency of kiln affect final forming of charcoal briquette greatly.